Student and Parent Information - Alexandria City Public Schools (2024)


  • What device will I use to support my learning?
  • What apps are available on my device?
  • What responsibilities do I have with my Chromebook?
  • How do I access my grades and coursework?
  • How do I get help with my Chromebook?
  • How do I get Internet access at home?

What device will I use to support my learning?


Students in PreK-K are issued a tablet to access learning applications. Each student in grades 1-12 is issued a Chromebook for educational purposes. Students are expected to bring their Chromebook to class each day, fully charged and ready to use.

Students use their devices to access and complete course assignments, collaborate on projects, participate in discussions, and accesslearning applications.


Student responsibilities regarding devices are outlined in theAgreement for Useand theResponsible Use Policy.

Digital Citizenship

ACPS is recognized by Common Sense Education as a division "committed to creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship". Students in ACPS receive digital citizenship instruction using resources from Common Sense Education'sDigital Citizenship Curriculum. These age-appropriate resources cover a wide variety of topics, including Internet safety, information literacy, digital communication, and cyberbullying.

Our Digital Citizenship Vision

In ACPS, we promote efforts to enable students to be healthy and ready to learn. This includes safe, ethical, and respectful behaviors when interacting with peers and adults in digital environments. We aim for all students to understand the rights, roles, and responsibilities of being digital citizens.

What apps are available on my device?

ACPS utilizes a variety of applications to support learning. A full list of applications supported by the division will soon be available via our new Learn Platform.ACPS provides the software programs and apps listed in the Learn Platform for use by employees and students. Each digital resource in this platform is fully supported by ACPS Technology Services.

What responsibilities do I have with my Chromebook?

The responsible use policy outlines the responsibilities for students in grades 2-12 with Chromebooks.

Responsible Use Policy (PDF)

Technology Use Guidelines

ACPS relies on administrators and teachers to evaluate balanced and healthy learning environments for students that include digital tools, as well non-digital tools. This includes screen-free lunch and recess. It is expected that the usage of Chromebooks and other devices will vary, depending on the instructional purpose or assignment.

  1. School technology should be used for educational purposes, not recreation or entertainment.
  2. Teachers should plan with colleagues to ensure balanced learning environments for students that utilize a variety of tools beyond digital devices.
  3. Technology should be used to encourage collaboration, creation, and critical thinking.
  4. Technology should enhance and extend, not replace real-life experiences for students.

How do I access my grades and coursework?

PowerSchool Parent Access

Log in to PowerSchool Parent Access

Create Your PowerSchool Parent Access Account

Forgot Your Password or Username?

ThePowerSchool ParentAccess portal is where parents/guardians with children in grades PreK-12 can accesstheir child’s academic record and more through PowerSchool.

Letters containing login information aremailed to familieseach September.

Need help with access?

Complete theHelp Form.

What information is available through your parent account?

Grades K-5:


Grades 6-12:
  • Attendance
  • Quarterly progress reports
  • Teacher e-mail addresses
  • Standardized assessment scores
  • Ability to update phone numbers, emails, and other contact information
  • Use of an online grade book (individual assignments, tests, etc.) is not required for teachers in grades K-5.
  • How elementary schools communicate with families regarding curriculum and student assignments varies by school. Each elementary school provides the appropriate information to parents regarding this access.
  • Attendance
  • Report cards
  • Current grades and grade book
  • Student schedule
  • Teacher e-mail addresses
  • Ability to update phone numbers, emails, and other contact information

How do I get help with my Chromebook?

Student Helpdesk Locations

Alexandria City H.S.King Street: Room B-130

Minnie Howard Campus: Media Center

George Washington Middle School: Media Center

Francis C. Hammond Middle School: Room C-99

How do I get Internet access at home?


At the middle and high school campuses, students can check out MiFi devices if they do not have internet access at home. The device is called aKajeetand comes with a charger in a blue carrying case. Students can check the device out for a week at a time.

The Kajeet works from 6 a.m. to midnight and suspends internet access between midnight and 6 a.m. It goes through both the ACPS filter and the Kajeet filter. Once the device has reached its due date, it will suspend access until it is returned. To find out more about Kajeet, students cancontactStudent Helpdeskstaff.


  • What devices are available for students?
  • What applications are available to students?
  • How are applications used for learning?
  • How does ACPS handle my student's privacy?
  • Where can I find digital citizenship resources for my family?

What devices are available for students?


Students in PreK-K are issued a tablet to access learning applications. Each student in grades 1-12 is issued a Chromebook for educational purposes. Students are expected to bring their Chromebook to class each day, fully charged and ready to use.

Students use their devices to access and complete course assignments, collaborate on projects, participate in discussions, and accesslearning applications.


Student responsibilities regarding devices are outlined in theAgreement for Useand theResponsible Use Policy.

Digital Citizenship

ACPS is recognized by Common Sense Education as a division "committed to creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship". Students in ACPS receive digital citizenship instruction using resources from Common Sense Education'sDigital Citizenship Curriculum. These age-appropriate resources cover a wide variety of topics, including Internet safety, information literacy, digital communication, and cyberbullying.

Our Digital Citizenship Vision

In ACPS, we promote efforts to enable students to be healthy and ready to learn. This includes safe, ethical, and respectful behaviors when interacting with peers and adults in digital environments. We aim for all students to understand the rights, roles, and responsibilities of being digital citizens.

What applications are available to students?

ACPS utilizes a variety of applications to support learning. A full list of applications supported by the division will soon be available via the new Learn Platform.ACPS provides the software programs and apps listed in the platform for use by employees and students. Each digital resource in the platform is fully supported by ACPS Technology Services.

How are applications used for learning?

ACPSstrives to create student-centered technology-rich learning environments that provide for academic excellence and educational equity by encouraging creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship.

To create these environments, there is a focus on blended learning. ACPS defines blended learning asthedeliberate connection of educational technology with face-to-face instruction to enhance and personalize a deep and meaningful curriculum.

ACPS provides instructional technology support to its teachers through ongoing professional development, reflective leadership programs, and on-site training.

Learn moreabout technology and learning in our2023-2028 Technology Plan (PDF).

How does ACPS handle my student's privacy?

ACPS takes the security and privacy of student information seriously. All applications approved by ACPS meet requirements outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).

Google Suite

Grades PreK-1

Students have a Google directory account used for accessing ACPS applications, and do not have access to the Google Suite or email.

Grades 2-8

Students have access to all ACPS-approved Google applications, including email. Email for these students is secured in a walled garden, meaning email can only be sent or received from within the ACPS domain.

Grades 9-12

Students have access to all ACPS-approved Google applications, including a full email account.

Where can I find digital citizenship resources for my family?

ACPS is recognized by Common Sense Education as a division "committed to creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship". Students in ACPS receive digital citizenship instruction using resources from Common Sense Education'sDigital Citizenship Curriculum. These age-appropriate resources cover a wide variety of topics, including Internet safety, information literacy, digital communication, and cyberbullying.

Our Digital Citizenship Vision:

In ACPS, we promote efforts to enable students to be healthy and ready to learn. This includes safe, ethical, and respectful behaviors when interacting with peers and adults in digital environments. We aim for all students to understand the rights, roles, and responsibilities of being digital citizens.

Where can I find more resources to support my child at home?

Families can access the Common Sense Media blog as a way to find resources to support their child.

Common Sense Media

Screen Time


Student and Parent Information - Alexandria City Public Schools (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.